DeepPCF-MVS: Deep Plane Estimation and Filtering for Complete Multi-View Stereo

Abstract Multi-View Stereo (MVS)-based 3D reconstruction is a major topic in computer vision for which a vast number of methods have been proposed over the last decades showing impressive visual results. Long-since, benchmarks like Middlebury [45] numerically rank the individual methods considering accuracy and completeness as quality attributes. While the Middlebury benchmark provides low-resolution images only, the recently published ETH3D [44] and Tanks and Temples [23] benchmarks allow for an evaluation of high-resolution and large-scale MVS from natural camera configurations. This benchmarking reveals that still only few methods can be used for the reconstruction of large-scale models. We present an effective pipeline for large-scale 3D reconstruction which extends existing methods in several ways: (i) We introduce an outlier filtering considering the MVS geometry and make use of machine-learned confidences for filtering [30]. (ii) To avoid incomplete models from local matching methods we propose a plane completion method based on growing superpixels allowing a generic generation of high-quality 3D models. We show further improvements by utilizing plane detections from a deep neural network [33] in addition to superpixel segmentation masks to generate improved plane-based segmentation masks. (iii) Finally, we use deep learning for a subsequent filtering of outliers in segmented sky areas. We give experimental evidence on benchmarks that our contributions improve the quality of the 3D model and our method is state-of-the-art in high-quality 3D reconstruction from high-resolution images or large image sets.

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