About Me

Hello, I’m Tarek,

I hold a Master’s degree in Computer Vision and Robotics from Paris Saclay University, France, and I’ve achieved distinction in my Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics from INELEC, Boumerdes University, Algeria. This diverse educational journey equips me to approach challenges from multiple perspectives and contribute innovative solutions at the crossroads of these fields.

My professional experience includes being a research assistant at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG) in Graz, Austria. Here, I concentrated on tackling challenges in 3D reconstruction and scene understanding. During this time, I had the privilege of interning and collaborating with distinguished professionals including Prof. Friedrich Fraundorfer, Dr. Horst Possegger, and Prof. Horst Bischof.

My research interests revolve around optimization and learning methodologies to solve intricate problems in computer vision, with a particular emphasis on 3D scene reconstruction and visual localization..